Who We Are

NCWIT leverages the skills and experiences of professionals with diverse backgrounds to further the mission and make sustainable change.


The Board of Directors provides corporate governance, strategic advice, and development assistance. Board members represent academia, industry, policy, and the community. The Board’s functions include: approving the NCWIT annual budget and strategy and operations plans; auditing finance; providing CEO oversight; ensuring legal and ethical integrity; and enhancing NCWIT’s public standing. The Board meets three times per year.

Meet the board.

NCWIT is based in Boulder, Colorado and financially supports employees at the University of Colorado, the University of Virginia, the University of Washington, and other organizations in support of our mission.

Meet the staff and consultants.

The NCWIT research and evaluation team is comprised of individuals with doctorates in a variety of fields, including education, sociology, communications, and psychology. This team contributes to the NCWIT mission by creating research-based resources to spread awareness and increase motivation for systemic change, by translating existing research into actionable practices, and by conducting original research and evaluation.

Meet the research and evaluation team.

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