NCWIT Messaging Toolkit for Members

Published on 05/13/2019

NCWIT has developed a new messaging platform that emphasizes the creative potential for organizations that invest in fostering a culture where girls, women, and underrepresented groups participate with strong voices. The headline, “The idea you don’t have is the voice you haven’t heard,” and the tagline, “Inclusion changes what’s possible,” are confident expressions of what we know is true: Diversity and inclusion enhance outcomes in technological innovation for educational institutions and businesses of all sizes.

As an NCWIT member representative, this message is yours to use in your own outreach and networking. This toolkit gives you the guidance and assets you need to share your message widely. Let’s share how we work together from the classroom to the boardroom to create technology cultures in which every voice is heard.

This toolkit gives you a head start with assets that you can use at events and presentations, in your everyday communications, or even in your own campaigns. Get an overview by downloading the PDF at the bottom of this page. Or, jump right in with direct downloads below:

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